Illustration of Google Bard Generative AI that catches up with chatGPT

Google Bard, the new wave of generative AI after ChatGPT

While we were just getting out of the torrent chatGPT torrent that flooded absolutely all our social networks, it’s Google’s turn to bring out its joker card.

Indeed, Google introduces itself with Google Bard (“Bard” for friends).

A tool to exploit the advanced capabilities of what is called generative AI, Artificial Intelligence generating content.

No need to go back to the conference given on this occasion on February 8, 2023 (“Google Live from Paris”) and the few setbacks that were noted, but let’s rather try to understand the added value of Bard.

In addition to its mode of operation, we will also study its position in relation to other projectsof Artificial Intelligence, especially in the field of medical AI.

Illustration of Google Bard Generative AI that catches up with chatGPT

1/ Google Bard, the generative AI revolution according to Google

Before we give you a taste of what Google Bard will be like, let’s first go back to the concept of generative AI.

A. Generative AI, artificial intelligence at your service

If you’ve ever dreamed of being able to conjure up just about anything you wanted with a magic wand, well, generative AI is pretty much all of that (to some extent, of course). ?

Like an artist, a generative AI creates new things, all by itself. In this case, it generates content.

Generative AI is therefore a kind of computer program that uses rules and examples found from a database to create new content, such as images, music, text or even voice.

Using these rules and examples, generative AI can create things that no one has ever seen before, like a new song or a new picture.

Imagine that you give instructions to a robot to draw a cat, but you don’t give it an example to copy.

Instead, the robot uses rules to draw a unique cat, as if it were creating a new cat from scratch.

Generative AI works the same way, except that it follows rules in order to create new things.

B. How does Google Bard’s generative AI work?

Bard is a computer program based on search engine technology.

1/ Bard, a smaller version of the LaMDA

Google Bard is an adapted version of another technology called LaMDA (for Language Model for Dialogue Applications).

This is a combination of conversational neural language models trained on over 1.56 trillion words (million billion)*.

*1.56 trillion words can also be expressed in “petabytes”. Knowing that a byte is a computer storage unit containing a single character, such as a letter or a number. A petabyte is equal to one trillion bytes, which is equivalent to 1.56 trillion words.

To understand this last concept, just imagine a teacher teaching a computer how to receive all the information given by a human.

A sort of decoder capable of understanding both the words expressed and the questions asked in order to answer as naturally as possible.

Bard is trained from the “Infiniset” database.

The latter is nothing less than the backbone of Google Bard, composed of a multitude of data coming for example from dialog boxes or public forums, web texts, C4 data (graphic technique allowing to understand the functioning and the architecture of software)… etc.

2/ The added value of GoogleBard?

At this point, it’s not really clear whether or not Google Bard competes with other generative AIs like chatGPT.

The project representatives argue that this AI will allow for much more up-to-date information to be indexed, analyzed and reformulated in even more precise ways.

What is certain is the ability that Google Bard offers as a tool for understanding natural language with great accuracy.

In this sense, Google Bard innovates in the field of speech synthesis, not requiring repetition or rephrasing from the user.

3/ Google Bard, AI accessible to the public

It is important to note the difference between Google’s generative AI and OpenAI’s, which aim to answer questions based on data that may or may not have been initially validated, from an AI specifically designed to solve technical problems.

We are thinking in particular of all the emerging projects that develop AI for prediction models, for example, in the insurance, finance or meteorology sectors.

Google Bard is there to answer questions based on supervised learning.

In the medical field, for example, it would be ridiculous to simply rely on Google Bard to get answers or make diagnoses.

While medical AI, as developed by Galeon for example, will enable new problems to be raised from a set of highly structured and specific data.

Thus, in the long run, this technique called blockchain swarm learning will help advance medical research.

Infographic functioning Google bard Generative AI


  • Google Bard is a new generative AI developed by Google based on search engine technology (a scaled down version of LaMDA).
  • This technology can understand and respond to natural language more accurately and efficiently.
  • The Infiniset database is the backbone of Google Bard.
  • It is important to differentiate generative AI from other AI that aim to solve technical problems, such as the medical AI developed by Galeon.
  • Google Bard is an innovative tool for answering questions in a more natural and fluent way, opening new perspectives in the field of speech synthesis and natural language processing.
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Image montrant la terre avec le futur en arrière-plan, symbolisant la combinaison de la technologie blockchain et de l'Intelligence Artificielle dans les projets de crypto-monnaie.

9 crypto AI projects that will transform blockchain and AI-powered models

Ocean Protocol, Exec RLC, Cortex,…etc, crypto AI crypto are not new.

They embody that part of the crypto generation that uses both AI and blockchain technology to develop decentralized applications and systems.

On the one hand, blockchain is used to support the storage and transfer of data in a secure and immutable way.

On the other hand, we use Artificial Intelligence (AI), that field of computer science where we create systems that function autonomously thanks to the training of algorithms.

Concretely, what kind of applications can be found in crypto AI projects?

Although their functioning raises technical questions, we can for example find an example of application among the models of weather prediction, or finance and sports.

Using blockchain and AI in this context allows to accelerate transactions and to provide more transparency to users.

In short, elements that could be of great interest to you if you want to invest in what is and what will be the trend*.

*As such, you have certainly already heard of conversational AI chatbots such as chatGPT or Google Bard, or image generators such as Midjourney.

So let’s discover together 9 crypto AI projects that are revolutionizing the blockchain and more generally, the world of tomorrow.

Infographic blockchain and crypto AI projects decentralized systems

1/ OCEAN Protocol’s crypto AI project (OCEAN)

? Purpose: AI crypto project that enables the exchange and monetization of data between individuals and/or businesses in a secure and private way.

The protocol is built on a blockchain, which means:

  • more transparency;
  • better data traceability;
  • assurance of user privacy.

This new form of decentralized economy advocates free access to the platform’s services, reduced transaction costs and the idea that it is not necessary to go through an intermediary.

Since its creation, a few years ago, we have seen a great progression. To be seen in the long term.

Market cap:among the top 250 crypto-currencies ($980 million).

Daily exchange volume: $75 million.

2/ SingularityNET (AGIX) is building an AI ecosystem

? Purpose: The project is based on blockchain to create a decentralized and secure marketplace for Artificial Intelligence application models.

Thus, developers have access to a multitude of AI algorithms.

The idea is to invite them to contribute to the construction of an open, transparent and collaborative AI ecosystem.

On the other side, we find the users of the platform, who can benefit from the services generated as a result of the work of the developers. All of this, funded by AGI tokens.

As a reward, developers receive Loyalty Rewards.

Market cap: $314 million.

Daily trading volume: $1.5 million.

3/ (FET) for AI and connected objects

? The purpose: using blockchain technology, wants to build the application universe of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT or connected objects).

Let’s also add this other foundation, which is to facilitate transactions and exchanges between users, thanks to autonomous agents.

These are created by developers, and made autonomous using machine learning.

Thus, they can make decisions independently to perform specific tasks.

In the end, we must have in mind the image of the concrete application of AI in our society (e.g. finance, logistics, smart cities, health…etc).

To use the platform, you will have to pay in FET and in return you will have the right to take part in decisions concerning the platform.

Market cap: $132 million.

Daily trading volume: $6 million.

4/ Numeraire (NMR) for prediction models

? Purpose: development of Artificial Intelligence prediction models to predict movements on sports results, weather or financial performance …etc.

To do this, Numeraire will use, on the one hand, the techniques of machine learning (automatic learning) techniques. This is intended to improve predictions.

On the other hand, the project will rely on the blockchain to both: secure the data transaction; ensure their traceability; guarantee the confidentiality of users.

Another great example of a crypto AI project on creating a decentralized marketplace for prediction services.

Market cap: $41 million.

Daily trading volume: $3.5 million.

5/ DeepBrain Chain (DBC) and decentralized AI markets

? Purpose : DeepBrain seeks to address several issues encountered in centralized AI markets.

Thus, in the context of a decentralized market, and without questioning the security of AI markets, DeepBrain manages to reduce service costs.

Blockchain will also be used to ensure the transparency of exchanges, while protecting the confidentiality of users.

To access DeepBrain’s AI services, you’ll need DBC tokens.

Market cap: $19 million.

Daily trading volume: $500,000.

6/ Galeon (GALEON), medical AI and machine learning

? Purpose: Galeon is presenting itself as the solution in terms of medical AI for the next few years.

On the security aspect, in the storage and transfer of medical data, Galeon uses its own blockchain.

With the precision that patient data are kept by health professionals and researchers in respect of consent.

There is also the use of AI in combination with blockchain swarm learning technology.

The idea is to be able to use medical data efficiently and to advance research.

To invest in the project, simply choose one of the solutions available on the website:

The strength of the project lies both in the support of its community (notably composed of people from the medical field), and the very topical subject of medical AI and the future of healthcare.

7/ Iagon (IAG ) and its decentralized marketplace

? Purpose: Iagon wants to create the decentralized marketplace in data storage, and all using blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.

To ensure that this storage is of high quality, the project also uses machine learning to optimize data processing; and networks of decentralized nodes to ensure the scalability of the platform.

In this organization, we find the different actors:

  • Those who provide storage capacity, the storage providers;
  • And those who will use this storage capacity, the storage consumers.

In addition to this collaboration, users can benefit from other AI services such as machine learning, data analysis, etc. In short, data-driven operations that are optimized.

Market cap: $2.5 million.

Daily trading volume: $10,000.

8/ Cortex (CTXC)

? Purpose: allows platform users to benefit from AI services and other tools such as machine learning especially to improve prediction models (e.g.: that we use in image recognition, text classification or fraud detection…etc).

The blockchain side ensures security, user privacy and transparency of the data exchanged on the platform.

The most of this AI project? Make available resources such as machine learning to enable developers to accelerate the development of their AI models, while reducing transaction costs.

Market cap: $49 million.

Daily trading volume: $6 million.

9/ Exec RLC (RLC), the meeting between developers

? Purpose : This blockchain optimizes the meeting between developers to create and exchange AI models. All this, against a backdrop of exchanging computing services.

Again, blockchain is used to ensure security, transparency and privacy for users.

Market cap: $384 million.

Daily trading volume: $38 million.


It should be noted that the crypto market is highly volatile and crypto-currency prices can fluctuate significantly based on market supply and demand, as well as external factors (e.g., government regulations; blockchain and/or Artificial Intelligence related news).

Therefore, it is important to be cautious when investing in crypto-currency projects and to conduct a thorough study before making any investment decision.

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chatGPT & médecine

AI in healthcare: will chatGPT kill traditional medicine?

If you are interested in AI (Artificial Intelligence), you may not need an introduction to chatGPT. You have probably already been able to test “the beast”.

Before this chatbot invaded the Web3, you could still use it freely.

From now on, you will have to pay for it.

The age of AI is upon us, and whether it’s chatGPT, Google Bard or others, it will become obvious in the coming years to turn to these tools to make our lives make.

In the medical field, we can imagine the following scenario: you are sick and rather than wasting time trying to find a doctor, make an appointment and then go to the pharmacy, you decide to turn to chatGPT.

Finally, you find the answer given convincing and you manage to get an “alternative” treatment.

The conclusion of all this being that you have saved time with AI for a situation that does not require you to turn to a health-care professional.


ChatGPT info

With a bit of hindsight, it is true that chatGPT has some very interesting features.

It is part of this form of AI capable of generating targeted information from a query.

ChatGPT has been tested to determine the quality of diagnoses made on patient case studies.

But let’s temper our words a bit.

First of all, let’s remind that chatGPT is not an AI, in the strict sense of the term.

Although it is often referred to as a “conversational” AI, chatGPT is not an AI and cannot be considered a medical AI.

Therefore, it will not replace your doctor.

In this regard, we will see that the solution proposed by Galeon is the future of medical AI and more generally, of health.

The “birth” of chatGPT, operation and versions (GPT-3)

ChatGPT is not an AI

In reality, it is a combination of AI tools.

ChatGPT is a chatbot tool created by the company Open AI and launched in November 2022, in its most advanced version.

It uses AI to sort through a multitude of data validated or not by individuals. It is the combination of all these tests that allows chatGPT to provide you with a final answer.

It relies on supervised learning (from existing knowledge) and on so-called reinforcement learning (conclusion from experiments).

The different versions of chatGPT :

  • GPT-1, launched in 2018, is a light version of the current tool, proving the operation and future potential on a wider panel of data;
  • GPT-2, launched in 2019, a version with more parameters added, more data ;
  • GPT-3, the latest one, which demonstrates an impressive ability to answer ever more complex queries, ever more quickly and in structured text form.

Why chatGPT, Google Bard and others, will not replace your doctor

What chatGPT lacks in terms of AI

As mentioned before, chatGPT answers your questions from its “learning”.

However, this does not take into account sensitive patient data, or even the emotional or relational aspect that the doctor may have with his patient when he performs a consultation.

? Typically, ChatGPT will not ask you (at least, for now), your pain feeling on a scale of 1 to 10. Now, each patient holds his or her own vision of pain. The feelings are not the same.

What Watson, Tay and other AIs were missing

ChatGPT is not there yet, and for the other AIs that have tried before, the results are rather disappointing.

The case of IBM Watson

One example is the AI program IBM Watson, designed by the company IBM in the late 1990s.

Initially developed as a conversational tool, the program failed several tests, including the Turing test. It is then found to be potentially useful in the medical field.

Unfortunately, the limits of this medical AI were quickly seen, as the data was limited to the circle of studies and reports from professionals in the field.

However, a number of these published studies lack objectivity and controls.

This will imply later on, the questioning of the answers given by Watson.

The Tay case

There was also the story of Tay, developed by Microsoft on the Twitter network (2016).

Without going into details, we quickly realized the limits of this program considering all the drifts that could occur.

With very little control, the chatbot’s responses backfired, inflicting a curtain call.

As a conclusion of all these experiences, we realize how important it is for this type of AI to be supplied with quality data, at the source (raw structured data).

And we can tell you, this is exactly the vision adopted by Galeon in terms of medical AI.

chatGPT IB Watson AI
IBM Watson

Galeon, the reference AI in medical matters

Galeon is without a doubt, the reference for the years to come inmedical AI.

their consultations or the creation of patient files.

Galeon is also medical AI that will generate very precise answers thanks to a structured database and blockchain swarm learning (a form of machine learning).

In this dynamic, it is certain that Galeon will support the decisions of health professionals.

Where chatGPT or any other similar form of AI will be limited to mere avenues of thought based on more or less shaky data and outside the realm of patient data, which is far too sensitive.

However, without this, it is impossible to envisage a serious approach to any medical assistance from AI.

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impactful project

5 impactful crypto projects to invest in!

Want to invest in impactful crypto projects that really make sense?

Investing for blockchain for good is the best way to generate passive, long-term income while doing social good in your own way.

But what do we mean by impact crypto projects?

These are all Good for Humanity projects, which combine both technologies like blockchain, AI and connected objects (IoT).

These companies seek to solve problems specific to our society, particularly in agriculture, ecology, social-economic issues or health ... etc..

For example, it may be a question of financing a new technology capable of preventing ecological disasters; or of re-establishing the traceability of food products in order to limit waste...etc.

There are many examples, but we have chosen for you 5 impactful crypto projects that integrate the blockchain for good movement.

impactful project

1/ Crypto and supply chain projects with AgriChain 

In the field of supply-chain, AI and blockchain projects find their full use. And even more so, in the agri-food sector.

According to the Compound annual growth rate, it would seem that the increase in blockchain innovations within the agricultural sector reaches 47.8%.

We would go from $41.2 million in 2017 to $430 million in 2023 (Average Annual Growth Rate).

Carrefour Bio recently made a step in April 2022 and began tracking its organic products on the blockchain.

The interests of blockchain for the supply (and agri-food)? 

  • Limiting cases of fraud with more transparency on the origin and processing of products. 
  • Simplification of transactions between the producer and the final distributor.
  • Reduction of food waste with the possibility of identifying erroneous products in the same batch. 

The project selected: AgriChain

The Australian company AgriChain was founded thanks to the collaboration of various players in the agri-food sector. 

The goal: to be the reference platform for the agricultural supply chain by connecting all the links in the chain thanks to blockchain (from the producer to the consumer). 

The platform aims to connect and transfer all necessary information between all participants in the supply chain.

Thus, on the one hand, we can improve the time to market products, while reducing the cost and losses during the various processes. 

Other projects? AgriLedger for product traceability and protection of local producers; TE-FOOD for identification of products, packaging and means of transport (...).

impactful projects & field

2/ The "insurance" blockchain with Etherisc

Take the previous example with agriculture, which is one of those sectors where the need for blockchain and AI projects is more than necessary.

As an example, a blockchain that predicts the results of the next harvest based on weather conditions.

Combine that with an insurance-like blockchaind that can take on the risk of loss from those crops.

How does this differ from current insurance? 

  • Transparency on the guarantees defined via smart-contracts
  • Promote access to insurance services, especially in underprivileged countries or those plagued by natural disasters (especially with global warming issues).
  • Improve the efficiency of reimbursements.

The project selected: Etherisc 

Don't be mistaken, Etherisc is not a decentralized insurance. The project identifies itself as a platform that brings together various insurance players and products.

The goal: the idea is to get out of the traditional way and dominated by insurance companies.

Insurers and insureds share the same vision of risk and cases of force majeure.

They agree on the costs of contributions and transactions.

Cases of application ? Crop insurance product in case of bad weather, air flight delay, insurance for the death of a community member (...).

By decentralizing insurance services through blockchain, we restore the primary interest of insurance to the insureds contributing to the same plan.

impactful projects & insurance

3/ Ecology, blockchain and KlimaDAO

Acting against global warming thanks to blockchain? Isn't it paradoxical? 

Blockchain can work in an ecological interest.

  • The blockchain allows to manage the storage and distribution of energy in an intelligent and secure way at the local scale.
  • More transparency on the consumption and energy certification of each beneficiary.
  • Reward system (virtual or real), for the "good consumer".

The project selected: KlimaDAO

The project's slogan is "decentralized finance (DeFi) that challenges climate change".

Pretty promising, but let's look in detail at the services of this impactful crypto project.

How it works: the token is backed by a real carbon asset.

KLIMA token holders get back rewards based on their investments.

These being reinvested in a green economy or other types of environmental assets. 

In short: you help finance projects that either reduce carbon emissions or offset them.

impactful projects & climate

4/ Crypto projects in health with Galeon 

Health is one of the pillars of sustainable development.

It is an integral part of the blockchain for good movement.

And what better example than Galeon to showcase the blockchain revolution in this area? 

How can blockchain be used for healthcare? 

  • Optimize the transfer and structuring of medical data.
  • Enable collaboration between data collectors (IoT, laboratories, clinical trials, etc.) and healthcare professionals. 
  • Ensure the protection and use of patient data which are extremely sensitive.

Blockchain and medical AI with Galeon

Galeon's strength comes from the fact that its team is partly composed of people from the profession (anesthesiologist, nurse, pharmacist).

They are therefore familiar with the problems encountered in our healthcare systems.

By investing in Galeon, you become an ambassador for a crypto project with a long-term impact on healthcare. 

Among other things, the project is developing its own blockchain to secure the medical data of each patient.

Galeon + ? Today blockchain, tomorrow medical AI.

Galeon wants to become the reference platform for medical AI to help research and advance medicine.

impactful projects & health

5/ The humanitarian crypto projects with Building Blocks 

We finish this ranking of impactful crypto projects in the humanitarian field.

Yes, blockchain for good can also have an impact within various humanitarian associations.

This manifests itself on actions in the field as well as outside: 

  • Traceability of donations from the moment of donation to the actual use (transparency +).
  • Anticipation and better management of risks encountered in case of disasters or other. 
  • Improving information transactions in a secure manner.

The project selected ? Building Blocks

Building Blocks is the humanitarian project founded by the UN World Food Programme. It describes itself as the largest humanitarian blockchain project today.

The concept: to facilitate access to humanitarian aid to people affected by conflicts, disasters or the aftermath of events related to global warming.

Already active in several countries, the platform gives transparency to actions, which donors sometimes struggle to see the real use.

Another project? Disberse allows to track donations for a better use.

impactful projects & humanitarian


Want to be part of the blockchain for good movement? Health, agriculture, ecology, humanitarian (...).

There are many opportunities to invest in impact crypto projects. Do not hesitate to go and learn more about these projects.

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blockchain for good preview

Blockchain for good and Galeon for sustainable development


More than a trend to serve the interests of the cryptosphere, the blockchain for good movement is this new generation of entrepreneurs who want to use blockchain technology for the purpose of serving social good

Just like the NFT for Good this specific category of NFT is used to finance and bring visibility to good for humanity projects (e.g.: “encapsulate your will”): encapsulate your will).

So how can blockchain work for social good? How could blockchain be the key to sustainable development?


The objectives of blockchain for good, the Sustainable Development Goals 

Everyone knows what sustainable development is, but without really knowing what it represents. 

According to the first definition given in the 1987 Brundtland report, sustainable development is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

And to resume with these two inherent concepts that are : 

  • The most basic needs for the most disadvantaged people.
  • And the use of certain techniques with their limits to achieve current and future needs. 

In 1992, the term will be used at the Rio de Janeiro summit. 

It is then explained that sustainable development is presented in the form of across-architecture between three pillars: the environment, the social pillar and the economic pillar.

Therefore, how can blockchain allow these 3 objectives to be achieved while taking into account their different aspects: viable, livable, sustainable, fair? 


blockchain for good sustainable

The idea behind a blockchain for good 

Thus, a project qualified as blockchain for good is a blockchain project that initiates a movement towards one of these goals.

Projects have been flourishing in recent months, some in the environmental and climate field, others in the field of supply chain or agriculture, etc. 

Other sectors are also targeted, such as the health sector with Galeon (see below). 

The number one asset of blockchain technology is that it allows data to be transacted quickly, securely and transparently (in the sense of transparency and traceability). 

This last argument can largely favor the realization of a sustainable development. 

Transparency and traceability 

With more insight into the traceability of multiple data transactions in a given sector, several issues can be addressed. 

For example, consumers would have better knowledge of the products and services they purchase. 

Apply this blockchain for good to the supply chain, it is possible to specify the origin of a product, to control its composition and its mode of conservation.

This can reinforce “consume local”, limit food waste, limit fraud and reduce CO2 emissions. 

In the energy sector, we now know that the supply is mostly centralized. 

However, at certain distances, there are inevitably losses according to the more or less distant zones.

Energy losses that could be avoided by evaluating the distribution at any given time(who consumes what, and who consumes the most?).   

On the same theme, we could imagine a traceability in our way of recycling. 

At the international level, it would be possible to control the application of certain treaties or regulations by the signatory States and Institutions. All protected by smart-contracts.  

And then, why not go even further with greater transparency in the distribution and use of donations by NGOs, associations and other charities.

There are many examples of applications of blockchain for good. 

blockchain for good subjects

What type of blockchain? 

Blockchain for good projects either use existing blockchains (e.g. Bitcoin or Ethereum). 

Others are developing their own blockchain. This is what we do with Galeon.  

Galeon, medical AI and blockchain for good 

Galeon is part of this Blockchain for good movement. 

With its unique concept of medical AI, using blockchain technology, Galeon is revolutionizing the future of medicine.

A medicine that wants to be 100% personalized according to the patient’s profile; a medicine where medical research does not simply depend on financial contributions, but rather on collaboration between the different actors of the medical sector with structured and, above all, protected data (…); a medicine that wants to guarantee equitable access to care and to the management of each patient.

Learn more about it.

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oracles crypto blockchain trading

The importance of oracles in the blockchain technology

The art of divination, which was also attributed to oracles in the old times, is not so different from the mission given to oracles in the blockchain technology.

Indeed, in this context, oracles are tools used to consolidate already existing data, with third party information such as bad weather, random events, or prices…etc. 

They are therefore steering channels with an impact on the realization or not of actions both on the blockchain and in the real world.

This type of tool is increasingly found in areas such as insurance, connected objects (IoT), and in crypto. 

A good example is the annual insurance premium, whose price depends on predefined risks. 

But then, why does the blockchain need information from oracles? And what are the concrete applications of oracles in our daily lives?

oracles crypto blockchain trading

Blockchain limits and oracles

The blockchain technology allows to process data in an encrypted and secure way.

Nevertheless, there is a problem with the supply of data, which has some limitations, for security reasons.

Indeed, the blockchain does not feed itself directly with data from external networks (off-chain).

This is precisely because the blockchain is characterized by its ultra-secure aspect.

It is therefore necessary to limit as much as possible any direct contact of the blockchain with the real world. 

And considering the infinite number of data that circulate and that we need (health, finance, services… etc), it is impossible to process everything in record time with a simple shield.

So, which system should we use? And why do we need so many variables in the processing of information? 

Oracles, blockchain partners

Data and its variables, a necessity to take into account

Without variables, it is impossible to consider all possible eventualities in a given case.

It is impossible, for example, to condition a choice on the occurrence of a particular event.

And without conditions, without options, how can you diversify your offers? How can we take into account the various needs?

(For example, should we treat all people with the same pathology in the same way? No, because each individual is a separate being with different characteristics). 

That’s why it’s important to bring this supply of data to blocks with these differential elements. 

Now, why not transmit these variables directly to the blockchain? 

The blockchain works like this: before being able to enter a block and be accepted on the blockchain, each piece of data must go through a validation test, by means of the network members. 

Smart-contract are tools that allow to trigger an action on the blockchain, according to the information they receive. 

In this case, if all the signals are completed, the action is activated. 

But in order for the variable to get that far, we need to be able to ensure this transition from the real world to the blockchain.

This is where the oracle comes in. 

Oracles, complementary data distribution channels

The oracle will allow to connect the real world to the blockchain. 

However, an oracle is not a direct provider. It does not provide information directly.

Before that, it collects, queries, verifies and authenticates external data from several sources.

The image one must have in mind is that of a bridge or a broadcast channel. 

An oracle is, in short, a technological tool that provides variables from the real world and integrates them into smart contracts.

They act as APIs (application programming interface) giving an access point from the blockchain to the real world (and vice versa).

Oracles and their different types

In-bound oracles: they provide off-chain data from the real world to the blockchain.

Out-bound oracles: they bring blockchain data to the outside world.

Thus, in one way or another, oracles participate in the sending and secure transfer of data.

Centralized oracles 

In another register, we find centralized oracles that rely on only one data provider, and focus on only one smart contract.

and decentralized

Conversely, decentralized oracles interact with multiple data sources without being controlled by one entity. 

Other forms 

Oracles can be physical persons, trusted individuals. Imagine, for example, a group of several people, who have to attest the realization or not of an event.

In this case, we find consensus oracles (the information will be accepted according to the number of people who voted); 

Hardware oracles and software oracles: the data is processed in a database, in the cloud, or in connected objects.

This is the example of the sensor present on the soccer fields, in order to capture the weather elements.

In short, different forms that will have an impact on the consolidation of information.

Some issues related to oracles  

What would happen if one of the oracles were to be compromised? Or that the channel of diffusion had been disturbed by some event? 

One can imagine that if the oracles are trusted individuals, the risk is that one of them is no longer reliable. 

In this case, we can imagine that the person will have to leave the network.

On the blockchain level, however, the smart contract associated with this oracle is in the front line. 

The risk is still higher when it comes to centralized oracles, because it is easier to reach a single target.

Oracles in real life

In the real world, applications are diverse, especially for services that depend on variables.

Take for example, the case of agricultural insurance or insurance in general.

Oracles will be able to attest in real time, weather conditions, the reasons for a train delay…etc. 

In DeFi, we could take the example of a person who only wants to buy an asset if it reaches X price. 

With this condition that the smart contract will only set up the purchase process if price X is reached. 

The oracle will come and confirm the price X at the moment T. And the smart contract will be able to set up the purchase.


Oracles are therefore interesting tools, even essential depending on the set-up of a particular technology.

They participate and allow the communication between the real world and the blockchain. 

The realization of actions will depend indirectly/directly on all the variables provided and analyzed at this level. 

Nevertheless, their protocols must be strictly established, with all the necessary security. 

 The aim of this article is above all to simplify technical concepts related to crypto-currency, in order to make them accessible to everyone. These words engage only their author. It is not intended to advise the reader on his investments.

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crypto scams

These 9 crypto scams that turned upside-down the token economy

We can’t say it enough, but beware of crypto scams!

No one is infallible and everyone is susceptible to succumbing.

Hacks, NFT Rug Pulls, crypto scams, fraudulent investments, fake romance (scam romance), copycat…

According to the FDC (Federal Trade Commission), no less than $680 million will be lost to crypto fraud in 2021.

That is 423% more than in 2020.

And guess what, we’re already at $329 million for the first quarter of 2022 (Q1) alone!

A great performance, indeed…

What to remember? On the one hand, that things are not getting any better, and on the other hand, that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Indeed, only a small percentage is recognized as such.

To learn more about how to detect crypto scams, it’s this way.

For the rest, we have prepared a top of the crypto scams that have left some marks with the crypto community.

OneCoin – the CryptoCoin is going down the drain

A scam model that works quite well in the financial system is the Ponzi pyramid .

The principle is simple: reward investors with the money of newcomers until the resources are exhausted.

And of course, without forgetting to leave with a well-stocked basket, then disappear.

This is exactly what the founder Ruja Ignatova also called “Cryptoqueen”, founder.

The latter disappeared in 2017 with an FBI warrant for her arrest in the amount of $100K.

Total: $4 billion evaporated.

OneCoin - Crypto Scams

BitConnect – the Gateway Hardware

BitConnect had built up quite a hype around its famous corner, the BitConnect Coin.

We can thank, by the way, a certain Carlos Matos, an investor who had oversold the project at a company ceremony in 2018, creating then the meme, the BitConnect Matos.

In short, some time later, the founder was suspected of being at the origin of a fraudulent scheme, again in the form of a Ponzi pyramid.

Total: $2.4 billion.

BitConnect - Crypto scams

Thodex – under maintenance …

You know the myth of disappearing after going to buy the famous milk carton?

Well, that’s pretty much the story of Thodex, a Turkish crypto platform, headed by Fatih Ozer.

It all starts with the announcement of a 6-day maintenance period.

The 6 days will then turn into weeks, and then, nothing more.

Radio silence.

Total: $2 billion + an estimated 40,000 years in prison and nearly 400,000 people ruined.

Crypto scams - Thedex

FTX – pockets are meant to be filled

The latest one.

FTX was #2 behind Binance, weighing $32 billion at the time. Everything promised a bright future for the company, with renowned ambassadors, ensuring its continued existence.

Yes, but …

Several scams are going to be brought to light, all of them supposedly committed by the founder Samuel Bankman-Fried .

  • The first was the use of FTX’s reserve funds to save another company it owned.
  • The second, with repeated purchases of real estate in a region so well known to those who likes to play hide-and-seek with tax authority : the Bahamas.

All this cost FTX a lot of money as the cash coffers were simply emptied.

Chain reactions followed, including the sale of all their tokens by some large investors (to mention it, the CEO of Binance, Changpeng Zhao ).

A crash in the price and a blocking of withdrawals for most of the remaining customers.


And on top of that, the $447 million that was still to be saved was mysteriously stolen.

Total: the fall of the company and a tweet from the founder “I’m sorry. This is the most important thing. I screwed up, and I should have done better.”

FTX - Crypto scams

Baller Apes – great promises!

To date one of the biggest scams on the Solana blockchain.

Baller Apes was the result of a nice project at the beginning, with the creation of a common wallet containing 500 SOL, airdrops, merch.

In fact, all social networks will be shut down, revealing that the investors’ wallets are directly linked to those of the founders.

Total: $2 million

Save the Kids – BA gone wrong

Crypto scams are as entertaining as they are despicable.

We change category with this supposed scam from influencers (mainly in gaming).

Let’s remember, moreover, that one of them, FaZe Kay a renowned gamer who had already been banned from fortnite for using a bot in 2019.

Beyond the drama and the accusations that have accompanied the various actors, we are still talking about a project that at the base was to allow the redistribution of earnings and investments for charity for disadvantaged children.

The technique used? Use their respective influence to push their subscribers to buy their newly created corner: the $KIDS.

This works perfectly, bringing down the price of the course.

A few technical elements to clarify that the team assured to have planned an anti-swimming mechanism to reduce the risks of massive resale of tokens.

Spoiler alert, it goes wrong: the code of the protocol is changed at the last minute with a resale of almost all the wallets of the latter.

Total: $30,000, and children who will never see the color of these donations.

KIDZ - Crypto scams

Pincoin – trust the red flags

Just as in human relationships, one should never underestimate the first red flags when it comes to investment.

For Pincoin investors, it seems that the signals were not clear enough: a promise of ROI or return on investment of over 312%….

What’s next? Investors who walked away with over $600 million.

Red Flag - Crypto scams

Pudgy Penguins – get the oars out!

Pudgy Penguins was one of the key NFT projects.

As the price continues to rise, the community invests, thinking they can take advantage of every opportunity.

In addition to this, the sale of merchandise to try to feed the project.

And … disappointment!

In January 2022, no action has really been taken, and again, the wallet of the founders turns out to be directly linked to the project.

Pudgy Penguins - Crypto scams

$SQUID token – the game that never came

Playing with cultural trends is a great way to make money, as long as the trend continues.

Take for example the series Squid Game .

Investors were promised benefits and rewards on a pseudo video game being built.

Total: $3.3 million + scammers never identified.

Pixelmon NFT – the Pokémon didn’t ask for anything

Fan and supporter communities are the ones most likely to fall into the trap set by scammers.

For Pixelmon NFT, the promises were great: to merge the universe of Minecraft with that of Pokémons.

Yet a trailer promised quality.

Either the bar was set a little too high, or there was a bug along the way.

As a result, the quality of the graphics is very poor and the Pokémon are created in bits and pieces.

Special mention for the famous reproduction of Carapuce, nicknamed Kevin by the trolls.

Pixelmon - Crypto scams

So this was a look at some of the biggest crypto scams that have rocked the crypto-sphere in recent months and years. The list goes on, of course, but we’ll come back to that later.

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