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DeSci: the buzz word that truly makes a difference in healthcare

Image to illustrate DeSci with a giant futuristic library that represents DeSci and blockchain as a scientific research revolution


DeSci, for Descentalized Science. But before we speak about how we decentralize it, let’s talk about traditional science first.

Traditional science is broken

2024, Science is in the hand of few organizations. In fact, governments, big businesses and publishing companies decide whether a scientific project is good for funding and sharable to the world or not. Censorship takes place This is not how science moves forward. And if it is? It gets published and recognized for its seriousness. But if not… the project stays in the shadow, whether it’s really helpful for science or not. And nobody hears from it.

The problem? Scientists are having hard times to get funds. Instead of doing what they are good at (research), they spend their time asking for funds… writing proposals to get research journals attention. There is another problem here. The research or scientific journals themselves. Scientists and researchers share their studies and new discoveries through those media. This is how scientific information (taking the shape of articles or publications) is shared with the rest of the medical world. But of course, it stays within the journals’ hands, again.

How does scientific research basically work?

It’s simple: scientists or researchers send their articles to journals. Editors then send them to a pool of other scientists that are working in the same field to validate them. This is called ‘the peer review process’. Scientific peers give their feedbacks whether it is good enough or not to be published by the scientific journal. Then, the submission of the study is decided. Sometimes, a study could take years to be published.

Unfortunately a trend has been observed: journals tend to publish the most sales worthy studies. They leave bad news on the shelf as they know they would make poor journal sales. Scientists then determine the topic of their research based on that, consequences being that they repeat researches that have already been conducted elsewhere multiple times. But they don’t know about it.

Big companies are complicated to fight against as they control academic publishing and therefore make or destroy scientists’ careers.

Sharing scientific information among scientists is also difficult as the major part of ‘negative’ studies, showing bad results are just not published. Or they could also remain in private database. These non-circulating study results lead to scientists doing the same researches over and over again in different corners of the world, without knowing that their studies have been a success somewhere else. Because results are not made public, money is wasted with test replications and searches costs.

All of this slows science down.

DeSci is a game changer for science progress

Traditional science evolution keeps making its way through, despite the difficulties mentioned above. But scientific information could spread at the speed of light, benefiting humanity.

Open access means that there are no financial, legal or technical barriers to accessing information. It means that people can read it, of course, but also download it, share it, copy it, or print it.

This is when decentralized science has a huge role to play. It makes science collaborative & results at reach for everyone. Because it is decentralized, it would allow a greater speed and spread of discoveries in every scientific fields.

This open process creates a fairer research system. Researchers can ask for more funds. They can seek for open online access to academic information publications or data for instance.

Thanks to DeSci, the next revolutionized industry will be the scientific research.

Blockchain is shaking up traditional science and healthcare industries.

Decentralized Science has started to gain influence and popularity as a movement in 2020-2021 with projects and initiatives conducted by the scientific community. Groups of scientists started exploring the blockchain ecosystem and technologies. They applied decentralized ideas and concepts to improve science towards a more modern one.

Blockchain networks could help funding scientific researches but the sharing of results as well.

DeSci and companies that have started working with it like Galeon all have the same goals:

  • Eliminate the reliance on big pharmas or publishing companies,
  • Free scientific research through open access to data, studies or publications,
  • Ease communication of information and collaboration between scientists all around the world,
  • Facilitate research funding.

The room for fast-paced improvements and DeSci promises are big.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations at the heart of DeSci

The DeSci revolution takes place right through DAOs. They are entities or organizations providing a structure to a community, gathered around a specific project they believe in. They collaborate together, participate and contribute to democratic decision-making within this organization.

Applied to science, DAOs gather researchers, scientists, doctors, caregivers, patients but also scientific project investors and other communities that communicate together and propose projects that address urgent community needs. They take democratic decisions about them and collaborate to have them funded and supported by a global network of peers and stakeholders.

Since 2016, Galeon’s DAO gathers a community of 40,000 Pioneers interested in healthcare, blockchain and artificial intelligence. They are patients, caregivers, doctors, scientists, hospitals, innovators, investors, and more. Thanks to Galeon’s blockchain that connects hospitals together and AIs, they allow more medical advancements and the sharing of value within the community around Galeon.

All Galeon’s stakeholders align through blockchain.

Discover more about our DAO on our whitepaper.

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