un écran de Dossier Patient Informatisé

EHR: What Is An Electronic Health Record and its role?

The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a digital tool that centralizes a patient’s medical data, enhancing the quality of care and the efficiency of the healthcare system. It offers numerous advantages, such as quick access to patient information for caregivers and improved care coordination and effectiveness. However, it also presents challenges in terms of data security and interoperability. The future of the EHR is marked by innovation and a revolution in care, particularly through artificial intelligence and connected devices.

In Concrete Terms, What Is An Electronic Health Record (EHR)?

The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a digital version of the traditional medical record. It contains all relevant information about a patient’s health, including:

  • Medical history,
  • Allergies,
  • Ongoing treatments or medical procedures,
  • Prescriptions,
  • Test results.

The EHR centralizes and organizes this data in a secure, confidential, and accessible manner for healthcare providers, thereby facilitating the work of healthcare professionals. The EHR covers all hospital specialties.

Unlike paper records, the Electronic Health Record (EHR) allows for real-time updates and quick access to information, no matter where you are. This means that wherever a patient receives care, their medical history is instantly available to authorized practitioners, enabling faster and more effective treatment. It can also be updated by different healthcare providers simultaneously, as they have secure access to the EHR at the same time.

Electronic Health Record: its benefits

There are a lot:

  • Better quality care ➡️
    Quick and complete access to a patient’s medical history allows healthcare professionals to better understand the patient’s health background and avoid medical errors. Treatments are better personalized to meet the specific needs of the patient. (For example, an emergency physician can immediately access vital information, even in the case of unconsciousness, to perform crucial procedures in an emergency situation).
  • Efficiency and time-saving ➡️
    Data accessible in just a few clicks obviously frees up time for healthcare providers. They can focus more on patient care rather than administrative tasks, for example. It’s worth noting that automatically generated electronic prescriptions reduce the risk of errors related to transcription or misinterpretation of handwritten prescriptions.
  • Better care coordination ➡️
    A major advantage, and not a minor one, is the ability to share information among different healthcare professionals without it getting lost. For example, a general practitioner, a specialist, and a pharmacist can all access the same information, ensuring consistency and continuity of care. With a physical paper record, simultaneous access is not possible.
  • Security and confidentiality ➡️ Paper records can easily be stolen, lost, damaged, or completely destroyed. EHRs, on the other hand, are generally secured by encryption protocols and secure access. With digital security being a crucial issue in healthcare, modern EHR systems like Galeon’s are designed to protect patient confidentiality and ensure data integrity.

Electronic Health Record: its challenges

  • Interoperability ➡️
    One of the main challenges of the EHR is the interoperability between different systems used by hospitals, clinics, and healthcare professionals. It is essential that these systems can communicate with each other so that data can be shared seamlessly. Establishing common standards is therefore a priority to ensure the maximum effectiveness of the EHR.
  • Training and Adoption ➡️
    The transition to a computerized system can be complex. Healthcare providers can be easily unsettled by new working techniques, especially when they involve digital tools. It is therefore essential to closely support the change and provide reassurance through adequate training programs and physical presence during software deployments in hospital departments.
  • Data Protection ➡️
    Medical data confidentiality is a major concern. Cyberattacks targeting healthcare systems have increased in recent years, making it imperative to implement robust measures to protect EHRs. This includes establishing strong cybersecurity protocols and strict policies on data access, which unfortunately are not always effective…
  • Cost and Infrastructure ➡️
    Implementing an EHR can be a significant challenge for a hospital, especially if the facility has limited resources. It requires a substantial investment in terms of technology, training, and maintenance. However, the long-term benefits, both in terms of cost savings and quality of care, more than justify this investment.

What does the future hold for the Electronic Health Record from a healthcare perspective?

It is (very) promising with developments such as:

  • Greater interoperability,
  • Enhanced data security,
  • Integration of artificial intelligence to improve diagnostics and personalized care,
  • A foundation for the development of future healthcare through big data.

The EHR could also facilitate access to remote care, strengthen collaboration among healthcare professionals, and improve health data management.

Why is Galeon Electronic Health Record really revolutionizing hospitals?

First, it’s important to note that the Galeon software is ergonomic in its usability and readability. It is also fast in its execution with each click by the healthcare provider, saving them valuable time during consultations.

With just a few clicks, patient information is readily available and clearly readable. Medical procedures performed by the provider are also standardized according to international codes such as ICD-10, SNOMED-CT, LOINC, RxNorm… (This is indeed an interesting feature for hospitals, which can finally review their activities at a glance).

Of course, all this information remains confidential and protected for the patient’s well-being, with security being a top priority within the EHR, even when records are interoperable between medical centers. Galeon is HDS certified and holds ISO 27001 certification from Afnor.

So… Galeon, a revolution? Yes, and for a number of reasons. Let’s take a look:

  • A structured and standardized data:
    The information found in Galeon is the same across every hospital using the software. It is ‘organized’ for standardized data use. This data is embedded in the system as pre-filled information, with buttons that the healthcare provider simply needs to click. Practically, this means that they don’t need to manually input information (or very rarely). There is minimal data entry, no double entry, and therefore less risk of omissions or errors in the patient’s record. Most importantly, it saves a significant amount of time, allowing for more personalized medicine.
  • Decentralized training of AI algorithms to truly advance medical research:
    Indeed, if data is organized everywhere, it can be collected in large quantities, analyzed, and processed much more easily than if it had to be sorted and organized beforehand (which is unfortunately the case in most situations today). With Galeon, the data is already prepared to be analyzed using artificial intelligence, bringing efficiency back to both science and healthcare. Of course, the data is secure, and once anonymized with the patient’s consent, AI algorithms can be trained on it in a decentralized manner through Galeon’s proprietary Blockchain Swarm Learning technology. This allows algorithms to learn from thousands of anonymized data points to quickly recognize specific pathologies, clinical cases, etc. Medical research is thus propelled into a new era, powered by AI, enabling community-driven medicine and paving the way for the next stage: predictive medicine.
  • Increased security through the use of Blockchain:
    Galeon connects hospitals using its software through its Blockchain technology. This ensures data confidentiality and patient protection while continuing to leverage the value of health data and combating daily cyberattacks. In fact, Galeon has already withstood two cyberattacks and has received two Innovation Awards at CES Las Vegas in 2024.
  • Galeon is more than just software; it’s a community of healthcare Pioneers aiming to make a difference
    Through its Decentralized Science (DeSci) project, Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), and its cryptocurrency $GALEON, an entire community comes together to advance medicine. The community, which invests in the project and holds at least one Galeon token, can vote to fund important non-profit healthcare projects that have the potential to change the future—and more importantly, the present.

It’s the Galeon hospitals that speak best about the Galeon Electronic Health Record!

Visit our whitepaper if you want to know more on the topic.

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A digital heart, on a blue screen representing health data

Health Data : What Value And What Opportunities?

Health Data: The New Black Gold?

Do you truly understand the value of health data? It’s a term often thrown around, but what is the REAL worth of the information collected from millions of medical interactions? Personalized treatments, epidemic predictions… the opportunities are huge. Yet, the true potential of this data has not been fully tapped into…

Health Data: An Invaluable Resource At Individual And Collective Scale

Health data comes from various sources:

  • Electronic (or paper) medical records,
  • Test results,
  • Genomic data,
  • And even simple connected devices.

They provide researchers with an unprecedented overview of population health. With this information, it’s possible to better understand diseases, improve diagnoses, and personalize treatments. For instance, instead of offering a standard treatment for everyone, doctors can now choose a therapy tailored to the specific characteristics of each patient. This is what is known as personalized medicine.

But health data isn’t only used to improve individual care. It is also crucial for public health. It allows for tracking the evolution of epidemics, predicting future health crises, and evaluating the effectiveness of health policies. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, data was essential for monitoring the spread of the virus and adjusting lockdown measures.

The Challenges of Leveraging Health Data

If health data is a goldmine, it also presents numerous challenges. The first is the issue of storage. The volume of data generated is enormous, and the infrastructure required to store and analyze it is costly and complex. Then, there is the challenge of standardizing the collected data. The data comes from various sources and is often in different formats, making its integration and analysis difficult.

But perhaps the greatest challenge is ethics. Health data is extremely sensitive, and its collection and use must adhere to strict rules to protect patient privacy. This is where initiatives like Galeon can play a crucial role.

Galeon: A Revolution For The Value Of Health Data

Galeon positions itself as an innovative solution to the challenges posed by health data. This initiative is based on a cryptocurrency, the $GALEON token, which allows for the decentralized and ethical valorization of these data. The idea is simple yet revolutionary: hospitals, as the custodians of health data, validate its use through a decentralized blockchain system, Blockchain Swarm Learning®. Patients, for their part, have a say in how their data is used, shared, and leveraged.

With the $GALEON token, every participant in the chain—patients, hospitals, researchers—has a role: whether it’s receiving compensation or having control over their participation in data collection and analysis. For example, when a company wants to train its artificial intelligence on health data, it must pay to access Galeon’s decentralized network. This amount is then distributed among patients, hospitals, and the Galeon ecosystem itself. Galeon thus creates an unprecedented virtuous model because it includes and respects all the actors in the medical data value chain.

Decentralized Science: The Future of Medical Research?

But Galeon’s ambition doesn’t stop there. By ethically and decentralizing the valorization of health data, Galeon lays the foundation for a new era of scientific research: Decentralized Science, or DeSci. In this model, medical research is no longer in the hands of a few large laboratories but is open to a broader community, with complete transparency regarding the use of funds and data.

The $GALEON token plays a central role here. It not only funds research projects but also empowers community members to decide which projects to support. In other words, Galeon democratizes medical research, making it accessible and controlled by those who are both its primary resource and its primary beneficiaries: the patients.

A New Era for Health Data

Health data is a valuable resource, but its true potential has yet to be fully realized. Initiatives like Galeon demonstrate that it is possible to ethically leverage these data while offering new opportunities for medical research and public health. By combining blockchain technology with decentralized science, Galeon paves the way for a future where health data is not just a simple tool but a driving force for innovation and collective well-being.

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The Galeon DAO

What Is A DAO And What Is Its Role In Healthcare?

DAO: Why Are We Talking About It?

DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization. Perhaps you’ve heard the term before, maybe not. In the world of crypto, it’s common to come across it, as many projects are implementing DAOs. They are indeed attracting more and more interest. But why exactly? What are they actually used for? Let’s break it down below.

A DAO is a Hierarchy-Free Organization

A DAO represents a new organizational model based on principles that are radically different from traditional structures. This is precisely why they are attracting so much interest.

  • An Organization Without Leaders: DAOs operate on the basis of consensus. Decisions are made collectively by the members, each having a voting right proportional to their participation.
  • Transparent Rules: All operational rules of a DAO are inscribed in smart contracts, lines of code that execute automatically on a blockchain. These rules are immutable and transparent to everyone.
  • Decentralized Governance: DAOs have no headquarters and can be managed by members from around the world.

A DAO Brings Together a Community Around a Specific Token

To better understand how a DAO operates:

It is primarily a community of people who wish to come together to fund new projects, regardless of the topic. They can create the DAO themselves and issue a token (cryptocurrency) that grants them ownership shares and voting rights if they possess it. Members can then use this token to vote on projects to be funded, rules to be changed, and more.

What About the Galeon’s DAO?

Galeon’s DAO is, of course, part of the healthcare sector and DeSci (Decentralized Science). It brings together 40,000 investors who aim to improve healthcare systems and ensure access to healthcare for everyone. These pioneers unite around issues such as:

  • The use of AI in healthcare
  • The management of sensitive medical data
  • Blockchain technology that connects hospitals with each other
  • Advancements in scientific research…

This community consists of caregivers, doctors, surgeons, specialists, hospitals, innovators, and investors from all walks of life.

Thanks to the Galeon’s DAO, non-profit and open-source medical research projects are selected, voted on by the community, and then funded to aid scientific advancements. Every holder of $GALEON has a voting right within the DAO, even if they possess just 1 $GALEON. Thus, it is the Galeon health Pioneers community that finances and supports scientific research, rather than being entirely dependent on major pharmaceutical players.

If you want to join the community of pioneers advancing health and the future of care, simply invest in $GALEON here. You can also subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of this page to stay updated with our rapidly evolving news.

Together, let’s continue to push boundaries by decentralizing science.

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Un crypto guy investissant au bord d'une piscine

Summer 2024: Why It’s the Best Time to Invest in Crypto

Invest or not to invest, that is the (crypto) question… But this question pops up more at certain times that might seem strategic… or not. But with the bear market dragging on, it’s worth reconsidering.

Is investing in summer 2024 as risky as planning a vacation in Brittany with the unpredictable weather (sorry, early spring weather)? While we can’t control the weather, we also can’t control the ups and downs of the crypto market. There’s never a ‘perfect time‘ to invest in cryptocurrencies due to their volatility.

That said, there are still factors that suggest some potential for a worthwhile investment at any given time.

The Bear Market Goes On: It’s Time to Invest in Crypto!

Don’t believe it? Well, you should. The market has been down for several months, and after the hype in March, prices have dropped. They’re generally lower than their peaks, presenting a great opportunity to buy cryptocurrencies at lower prices, hoping for future appreciation. With opportunities becoming less scarce, your research skills will come in handy!

The Bear Market Goes On: Think Crypto Investment Strategy!

Summer means relaxation for some, but for others, it’s the perfect time to think strategy and invest wisely. It’s a great time to:

  • Understand the Risks: Know the risks of each investment, what causes significant price fluctuations, and whether you might lose out.
  • Do Your Own Research: Dig deep into genuinely interesting projects and their underlying technologies. Use your foresight to invest in sustainable crypto with these seven pillars.
  • Diversify Your Portfolio: Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your tokens.
  • Plan Your Investments: Plan for the next six months and invest only what you can afford to lose, based on thorough research and predictions.
  • Think Long-Term: Consider sustainable investments. Staking is good for your crypto wallet’s health. Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) can be a smart strategy as it spreads out your purchases and reduces the impact of short-term volatility.

The Bear Market Goes On: Crypto Adoption is Growing!

Even though the market is down, the growing adoption and interest in cryptocurrencies suggest it’s not time to give up. The number of crypto holders is estimated to reach 300 million in 2024.

Traditional financial institutions (banks, companies, investment funds) are legitimizing its adoption. Current political instability also drives crypto purchases as a safer value reserve or transfer method. This could potentially increase demand in the long term, leading to higher prices. And then, BAM. Or rather, BULL. The market picks up!

The Bear Market Continues: Technological Innovation in Crypto Does Too!

While the market trends and curves sleep, technological development continues. Innovations in blockchain and cryptocurrencies bring new technologies and promising applications. The value of some cryptos, like $GALEON, keeps evolving.

As the bear hibernates, the bull is ready to charge in its stable. Patience, soon its horns will spark again in the arena…

Summer 2024: The Best Time to Invest in $GALEON

Still unsure about which project to invest in? Understandable. But know that some, like Galeon, make more sense and have a bigger impact. Galeon is in the health sector, which is universally important. It’s recognized by the Haute Autorité de Santé and certified with ISO 27001 and HDS. It has won three Innovation Awards at the CES in Las Vegas.

Galeon has a community of over 40,000 investors, including doctors, caregivers, hospital staff, and others, deeply involved in the future of healthcare and the decentralization of science. As $GALEON token holders, they are pioneers of the new healthcare system proposed by this DeSci project.
Investing in $GALEON means participating in improving healthcare for everyone, including yourself. Why?

  • You boost the project’s visibility and legitimacy, attracting more healthcare centres to join.
  • You help Galeon enhance its software features, benefiting all hospital specialities and helping caregivers work better every day.
  • You vote to support non-profit research funded by Galeon’s DAO.
  • You fund medical research and help advance predictive medicine.
  • Investing in $GALEON is beneficial for you, caregivers, hospitals, and ultimately for better healthcare access globally.

Investing in $GALEON is beneficial for you, for healthcare workers, for hospitals, and most importantly, for improving overall access to healthcare.

Voilà! Now you know what to do, whether you’re stuck at your desk during a lunch break with a pesky colleague or lounging by the pool.

Take the time to strategize your investment according to your risk profile, and don’t lose hope. This could very well be THE moment to say YES to crypto.

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Image to illustrate DeSci with a giant futuristic library that represents DeSci and blockchain as a scientific research revolution

DeSci: the buzz word that truly makes a difference in healthcare

DeSci, for Descentalized Science. But before we speak about how we decentralize it, let’s talk about traditional science first.

Traditional science is broken

2024, Science is in the hand of few organizations. In fact, governments, big businesses and publishing companies decide whether a scientific project is good for funding and sharable to the world or not. Censorship takes place This is not how science moves forward. And if it is? It gets published and recognized for its seriousness. But if not… the project stays in the shadow, whether it’s really helpful for science or not. And nobody hears from it.

The problem? Scientists are having hard times to get funds. Instead of doing what they are good at (research), they spend their time asking for funds… writing proposals to get research journals attention. There is another problem here. The research or scientific journals themselves. Scientists and researchers share their studies and new discoveries through those media. This is how scientific information (taking the shape of articles or publications) is shared with the rest of the medical world. But of course, it stays within the journals’ hands, again.

How does scientific research basically work?

It’s simple: scientists or researchers send their articles to journals. Editors then send them to a pool of other scientists that are working in the same field to validate them. This is called ‘the peer review process’. Scientific peers give their feedbacks whether it is good enough or not to be published by the scientific journal. Then, the submission of the study is decided. Sometimes, a study could take years to be published.

Unfortunately a trend has been observed: journals tend to publish the most sales worthy studies. They leave bad news on the shelf as they know they would make poor journal sales. Scientists then determine the topic of their research based on that, consequences being that they repeat researches that have already been conducted elsewhere multiple times. But they don’t know about it.

Big companies are complicated to fight against as they control academic publishing and therefore make or destroy scientists’ careers.

Sharing scientific information among scientists is also difficult as the major part of ‘negative’ studies, showing bad results are just not published. Or they could also remain in private database. These non-circulating study results lead to scientists doing the same researches over and over again in different corners of the world, without knowing that their studies have been a success somewhere else. Because results are not made public, money is wasted with test replications and searches costs.

All of this slows science down.

DeSci is a game changer for science progress

Traditional science evolution keeps making its way through, despite the difficulties mentioned above. But scientific information could spread at the speed of light, benefiting humanity.

Open access means that there are no financial, legal or technical barriers to accessing information. It means that people can read it, of course, but also download it, share it, copy it, or print it.

This is when decentralized science has a huge role to play. It makes science collaborative & results at reach for everyone. Because it is decentralized, it would allow a greater speed and spread of discoveries in every scientific fields.

This open process creates a fairer research system. Researchers can ask for more funds. They can seek for open online access to academic information publications or data for instance.

Thanks to DeSci, the next revolutionized industry will be the scientific research.

Blockchain is shaking up traditional science and healthcare industries.

Decentralized Science has started to gain influence and popularity as a movement in 2020-2021 with projects and initiatives conducted by the scientific community. Groups of scientists started exploring the blockchain ecosystem and technologies. They applied decentralized ideas and concepts to improve science towards a more modern one.

Blockchain networks could help funding scientific researches but the sharing of results as well.

DeSci and companies that have started working with it like Galeon all have the same goals:

  • Eliminate the reliance on big pharmas or publishing companies,
  • Free scientific research through open access to data, studies or publications,
  • Ease communication of information and collaboration between scientists all around the world,
  • Facilitate research funding.

The room for fast-paced improvements and DeSci promises are big.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations at the heart of DeSci

The DeSci revolution takes place right through DAOs. They are entities or organizations providing a structure to a community, gathered around a specific project they believe in. They collaborate together, participate and contribute to democratic decision-making within this organization.

Applied to science, DAOs gather researchers, scientists, doctors, caregivers, patients but also scientific project investors and other communities that communicate together and propose projects that address urgent community needs. They take democratic decisions about them and collaborate to have them funded and supported by a global network of peers and stakeholders.

Since 2016, Galeon’s DAO gathers a community of 40,000 Pioneers interested in healthcare, blockchain and artificial intelligence. They are patients, caregivers, doctors, scientists, hospitals, innovators, investors, and more. Thanks to Galeon’s blockchain that connects hospitals together and AIs, they allow more medical advancements and the sharing of value within the community around Galeon.

All Galeon’s stakeholders align through blockchain.

Discover more about our DAO on our whitepaper.

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caregiver lady talking with colleagues

Medical data: another treatment for a hospital more efficient

The hospital is overwhelmed with data. Whether it is information from occasional consultations or prolonged hospitalizations, caregivers often find themselves managing this data rather than actually providing care to their patients. But not all data is the same. There are certain ways to collect, process, and reuse it that are much more effective than others.

A patient generates an average of 5 letters per day per hospital.

Freeze-frame, an impressive number of patients passing through a hospital over the course of a year. Five letters is the figure taken from one of the hospitals that has integrated Galeon as their EHR system. Still for this same hospital group, we have recorded over 57,000 consultations over the past 3.5 years.

When we scale this to 365 days, it amounts to roughly over 80,000 documents sent to patients. That’s 285,000 over more than 3 years. And since a large majority of hospitals still work on paper… The numbers are simply staggering.

These documents take different forms depending on the country. In France, for example, a medical summary is systematically sent for hospital stays longer than 24 hours. Other documents, such as consultation reports, are sent to the patient’s primary care physician and/or other specialists, and then to the DMP (French Ameli’s shared medical record).

There are also prescriptions, standardized by the HAS (High Authority of Health in France), which have high medico-legal value. Their use is external to the hospital. Other documents are very important, such as the birth declaration. This document allows for the declaration of an individual’s citizenship and the request for their identity papers.

The daily routine of caregivers is tedious. Because while they have to generate numerous documents, they also have to use multiple software programs within the same department to work. In some cases, they have to go through up to 7 signatures just to prescribe a single medication for their patient. With around twenty patients per day (or more), the calculation is quickly done. They simply do not have the time and end up not prescribing the treatment if the patient’s case is not critical.

The Storage of Medical Data in Paper Format Poses a Problem

The staggering numbers obviously do not account for the storage and transportation costs of paper patient files when the archive location is a few kilometres away from the hospital (sometimes 20 km!). These paper files can reach up to 50 pages.
And to retrieve a file?
There are two possible scenarios here:

  • Caregivers is lucky and gets the file in 4 or 5 days because it is located within the hospital.
  • Or they receive it after more than a week, as it needs to be retrieved from the archive centre… including high courier costs and an ecological footprint as a bonus…

Managing paper becomes a challenge for hospitals. Its consumption is excessive, of course, but it also poses confidentiality issues for health data. Paper files can be easily stolen, lost, or even accidentally destroyed in some cases (e.g., flooding of the archive centre).

Galeon Revolutionizes Hospital Daily Life thank to Medical Data Hyper-Structuring

Reducing the number of letters per patient (or the number of patients altogether) in the hospital seems difficult, if not impossible. However, considerable time can be saved in a caregiver’s daily schedule. This can be achieved by reducing paper management costs for the hospital and systematically auto-generating all these documents based on the patient data entered in each file. So, how is this done?

First, let’s recall that an EHR (Electronic Health Record) stores data and can do so intelligently by hyper-structuring it through artificial intelligence. And it does this in a simple way. This is what Galeon does. Healthcare professionals enter various patient information into the software by following pre-filled protocols within the software.

A major advantage is that this prevents them from having to re-enter the same information multiple times in multiple places, thus reducing errors or omissions. A definite time-saver!

Galeon Structures Medical Data to Auto-Generate Hospital Letters

Galeon goes beyond just embedding protocols within the software. Thanks to its AI-enhanced configuration module, the patient’s name, surname, and other important information are automatically populated into letters, prescriptions, etc., through a system of tags. This data flow is optimized through the structuring of this data.

The documents are auto-generated by the software. They are also customizable according to the needs of each hospital and are also sent to the DMP (Shared Medical Record). For example, for biological results, caregivers can save an average of 2 minutes per patient. That’s a total of 80 days saved over 3 years (for the hospital mentioned at the beginning of the article). This configuration module does not require extensive or special training, as it is not complex to use.

A real plus for everyone.

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a hacker doing a cyberattack in a hospital

Hospital cyberattacks:  what happens to your heath data?

Imagine you are peacefully sorting your emails at home, when one of them catches your sight. A particular email from your hospital that you have not visited for 3 years and half. This email is not really what we call a ‘positive’ one. With a drop on your forehead, you read. Here lies the news: there was a data leak in the hospital you used to go to. You know it’s bad. But how bad?
Stay with us, we are telling you more about cyberattacks in hospitals and what happens to your stolen data.

Cyberattacks in hospitals are frequent, and their number underestimated.

Figures about cyberattacks are not small ones. For example, in 2022 in France, total cost of cyberattacks held against public institutions and private companies that were a success reached €250,000,000,000 according to Asterès’ study.
Another attack happened on February 10th this year for the Armentières Hospital Center in the north of France within the night. The hospital had to temporarily close its health emergencies’ doors to reorganize its patients’ arrival and their treatments. All the computers were switched off after a ‘ransom demand’ message was sent through the hospital’s printers. Patients were moved to another hospital. As for the maternity service, it was less impacted by this cyberattack, but 130 files had to be printed to follow up 130 patients’ cares. Records that could have been stolen.
It impacted the hospital for 3 days. 

Sometimes, even insurances refuse to insure surgeons that operate without having the patient’s record available.
Hackers use different methods to attack, but the most often used is phishing (a text message or email is sent, encouraging the person to click on a fraudulent link or to download a file containing a malware). Or they can come directly within the hospital to leave an infected USB key somewhere, for someone to take and try it, out of curiosity.
Then? They could take possession of the healthcare centre’s services, monitor its activities, encrypt their data, or stole them.

Those cyberattacks are scary for those who live them, but also for the triggered patients when they know what could happen with their data.

What happens after a cyberattack?

The hospital usually needs to answer the ransom demand but for public ones, they have no legal right to give money to hackers (the French CNIL’s recommendations it to not pay as the data recovery is not guaranteed). Then, it verifies the security of its IT systems, analyses the attack in details to set up restoration work priorities, with the help of the ANSSI (the national agency in charge of the information systems security).

The CNIL also warns hospitals using not-secured enough EHR, requesting corrective measures for the data treatment. Some special confidentiality treatments can be required for patients from penal institutions.

An important point concerns the tracking of the EHR access. Knowing who logged in, when and what did this person reach is super important. Controls over these accesses need to be done regularly to spot fraudulent usage of the software.

What consequences for your personal data after a cyberattack?

Several consequences could derive from it and there is nothing good here to consider…

  • You could receive a tremendous amount of daily spam emails or unknown calls,
  • Your personal information are publicly displayed on the internet (first name, name, social security number, medical information like cancer, genetic diseases, consultations summaries, biological exam results, pathologies, …),

  • Your bank details are used all type of purchases,
  • Your infos are sold on the black market for a significant amount of money (€200 per health record),
  • Your stolen passwords are used to create another attack…

Healthcare data is the new gold. The more data you get, the more money you can get out of it.
And the more pathologies the patient has, the more valuable its data will be!

With this data, you could create new treatments, accelerate drug marketing, do predictive medicine, improve diagnosis… etc.

The more value to get, the more money at stake! The first person to find the new treatment for this or that disease will win the market, for instance.
For that matter, it is not important but mandatory for an EHR to provide super secured health data storing solutions, compliant with the evolving legal regulations in a country.

And it’s exactly what @Galeon does with its EHR solutions and its HDS and ISO 27001 certifications. 

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7 techniques to invest during the bull run market in crypto?

Investing during bull run periods takes some strategy

First of all, a quick reminder of what a bull run is: a period where prices are rising within the crypto market. It is also characterized by great upward trends, with the pressure of digital assets sales going down and trading volume going up.

Bull markets usually last from months, even years. Just like bear markets, even if there are many differences between the two.

Let’s keep in mind that if the bull run shows a good dynamic and opportunities for investors to profit from interesting returns, following the trends really closely is mandatory to spot a shift in the tendencies and act in consequences.

And while there are many types of crypto investors, there are also some common crypto investment techniques, met during a bull run market. Stay with me, I’m going to run you through the 7 common methods investors use to invest and do profit.

Get ready to invest during the bull run

If we are not sure we are entering a bull market period yet, there are some things to know like the useful techniques to start investing in crypto. Ready to dive in?

  1. ‘The Buy and Hold’ (HODL) technique:
    Typical behaviour? Investors buy digital assets and choose to hold it for an extended period of time to sell it later on, regardless of short-term price fluctuations.
    This is what most of $GALEON holders are doing when purchasing their tokens and staking them.
    Basically, Buy and Hold technique can be paralleled with when your great-great-grandparents bought gold and stack it within their mattress.
  2. The ‘Dollar-Cost Averaging’ (DCA):
    DCA involves investing a fixed amount of money (weekly or monthly) at regular intervals regardless of the current price of the cryptocurrency. This strategy helps smoothing out the impact of market volatility and can be effective during bull markets to gradually accumulate assets over time.
    It is also a non-stressful technique, it does not require staying up-to-date everyday, and that implies a long-term vision: one has to be convinced the asset will perform in the long run.
    The best way to operate? Defining the total amount you want to allocate to a specific asset during the next 12 months and the frequency of the entries (it could be weekly or monthly entries). Then, you just have to divide this total amount to the number of entries that will be made in the 12 upcoming months.
    Another parallel here would be when you pay for your mortgage: your DCA is organized by your bank for you to invest in real estate.
  3. The trading method:
    Trading actively involves to buy and sell cryptocurrencies frequently to take advantage of short-term price movements. Investors may use technical analysis, chart patterns, or key indicators to identify entry and exit points for trades. They follow the trends, breakout & momentum trading.
    Compared to the technique above, it is more stressful and requires time to check those indicators and stay on page. You need to choose to build a trading plan in advance, then pick up your best crypto trading platform, and closely monitor your investments.
    For example, an investor could do a prediction on the fall in value of the USD token. Then, he would decide to sell it against Bitcoin tokens. If his prediction was right, he would benefit from this trade. If not because USD would rise against Bitcoin, he would lose from this transaction.

     It’s like putting your shoes in Dicaprio’s in the Wolf of Wall Street: buy stocks when they are low and sell them high on a daily basis. But careful here: daily trading is a real know-how! There are no traders that succeed without putting any limits to prevent from unconsidered risks. Every trader knows it. Jerome Kerviel learned it the hard way.
  4. The leveraged trading:
    Some investors may use leverage to amplify their trading positions during bull market and gain potential return increasing their profits.
    Traders would borrow funds to multiply the potential returns on their investments. In doing so, they can better control a larger position with a smaller amount of cap. But this technique also comes with higher risks, as losses can exceed the initial investments. It is basically trading with others’ money.
    For instance, if he uses a crypto leverage of 5x, it would allow him to control a position 5 times larger than what he invested initially. Let’s say he had $100, he could then open a position of $500 using this leverage.
  5. The ‘swing-trading’ technique:
    Investors would buy and sell with big parts of their portfolio of digital assets to maximize profits. This technique implies significant risks but can offer opportunities for high returns.
    This technique requires staying up to date with the latest trends within the crypto market: only one bad swing trade, and every past profit goes in smoke!
  6. The diversification technique:
    Traders would diversify their portfolio across multiple digital assets to reduce risks and also seize opportunities across different market segments.
    Simply put, investors put their eggs in different baskets. They open diverse positions on different digital assets to maximize their earnings while reducing the risk of losing a lot with one or two coins only. They could choose according to:
    Various use cases,
    Various blockchains,
    Market caps,

    To give an example here apart from the crypto world, let’s take the oil market: when you buy stocks from different oil companies across the globe, you assume the oil market will go up overall, but you don’t know the particularities of the Venezuelan oil reservoirs. So you invest in several companies to decrease the risk.
  7. The Staking and Yield Farming technique:
    Some investors may participate in staking or yield farming activities to earn additional rewards or interest on their crypto holdings.
    This requires to lock cryptocurrencies in smart contracts or decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols to support network operations or provide liquidity. In exchange, investors get rewards.
    As for Yield Farming, it requires active management: traders provide liquidity to decentralized finance, which comes with significant risks, like impermanent loss, smart contract vulnerability, and market fluctuations…

Whatever the investor type you are and the technique you use, not one of them is more efficient than another. Return on investment is never 100% guaranteed. Let’s keep an eye on the latest trends and prepare efficiently for the next bull run!

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bull and bear markets

What difference between a bull and a bear market in crypto?

Ever heard of the terms bull or bear market on the internet?
Those two words are frequently used in the financial and crypto world. They refer to an upward and downward market trend on the stock exchange and are notions that investors have a closer look at when they manage their investments.

Why bear and bull markets?

A good question indeed.
Why do we use the words bear and bull when referring to markets? Well, in some people’s mind, bear market gives its name to the fact that when a bear attacks its opponent, it uses its claws to bring it down, on the ground. Which directly refers to the decline of prices.
As for the bull market, it refers to a bull’s attack: the animal uses its horns to reach its opponent in an upward direction. Just like the bull market tendency does. 

Now that we have answered this simple question, let’s dive in their own definition to better understand their differences.

What is a bear market?

A bear market in crypto refers to a prolonged period of decline in the price of cryptocurrencies. During a bear market, investors’ sentiment is predominantly negative. This leads to a sustained downward trend in prices across various digital assets.  
And in such market conditions, selling pressure outweighs buying pressure, resulting in a continuous price decrease. Those bear markets show price volatility, where selling volume increases. And if sales go up, then a tendency emerges with a lack of confidence from investors, leading to further declines.
Just like a vicious circle.

Bear market periods can last for a while: from months to years.

They often coincide with broader economic downturns. Due to significant regulatory events within the cryptocurrency industry, for example.

As previous bear market periods, we could mention the cryptocurrency crash of December 2017 where Bitcoin drastically fell from $20,000 to $3,200 in just a few days. A more recent one happened in 2021 where Bitcoin mining had a social, corporate and environmental governance problem and Elon Musk accepted it and banned it subsequently from its payment method for the purchase of Tesla cars.

What is a bull market?

It won’t be a surprise: a bull market is the opposite of a bear market. It is a sustained period of rising prices and overall positive investors’ sentiment within the cryptocurrency market.

During that period of time, optimism widely spreads and buying activity increases.

Investors observe upward price movements across various digital assets.
They get more confident in general about the potential for future growth, which directly encourages further investment and speculation.

Bull markets are typically characterized by strong upward trends, reduced selling pressure, and rising trading volumes.

Certain factors can characterize these periods, such as:

  • Favourable market conditions,
  • Technological advancements,
  • Increased adoption,
  • Positive regulatory developments,
  • Or significant institutional investment.

Just as for bear markets, bull markets last for years. They often provide opportunities for investors to profit from the appreciation of asset prices.

To quote some bull run periods:

  • 2015-2017: Bitcoin price ranged from $200 in December 2015 to $670 in December 2017 due to mainstream media coverage of cryptocurrencies.
  •  2020- 2021: from September 2020 to November 2021, demands for digital payment rose and had an impact on cryptos during the COVID-19 pandemic, then was followed by the crypto winter 2022 bear market period.  

    There are lots of techniques to invest during a bull run period.

2024 crypto markets: are we entering a new bull run era?

Since the beginning of this year, Bitcoin price has tremendously increased. This could mark the entrance into the bull market with a flow of money, causing a surge in prices.

According to Glassnode, the Bitcoin market cap has increased by 141,2% since December 2023. The Ethereum market cap has increased by +79,4%.

Experienced investors know it. The fact that Ethereum does not outperform Bitcoin is a signal that there is still room for growth in large caps and Altcoins.

Certain Wall Street experts assume that the Bitcoin will reach $100,000 in 2024.

One thing remains steady: investors need to stay up to date as the crypto market seems to slightly wake up.

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An angry hacker in front of his computer

Afnor’s HDS & ISO 27001 certifications delivery: why is it so important?

A revolution in the Healthcare Data Security landscape thanks to AI

In the ever-changing and complex world of healthcare, Galeon has the ambition to combine artificial intelligence & blockchain with healthcare data security. The idea behind here is to protect both patients and hospitals. Galeon has been committed for over seven years to pushing the boundaries of medicine using cutting-edge technologies.

No need to say that our current healthcare sector faces different challenges, such as the working conditions of healthcare professionals, the financial constraints found in hospitals and lack of resources or the increased threats of cyberattacks. In that context, Galeon’s innovative solution brings here a ray of hope. It secures and efficiently hyper-structures sensitive hospital data through an intuitive and advanced Electronic Health Record (EHR) system.

This EHR tool allows the confidential storage of:

  • Medical histories, 
  • Lab results, 
  • Diagnosis, 
  • Treatments,
  • Allergies, 
  • And much more. 

It has been so far already adopted by twelve French hospitals. Its aim is to connect all hospital services together on a national and international scale, thus providing unprecedented interoperability between them.

Afnor Group certified Galeon with HDS & ISO 27001 norms

Enhancing security is part of Galeon’s essential technology features. Indeed, as said above, the very main goal is clear: protecting the patient by securing his data, of course with his consent.

To specifically answer this need, Galeon ensures:

  • rigorous data access control, 
  • automatic backups, 
  • and advanced encryption to protect data against cyber threats. 

It’s a fact: when a cyberattack happens, Galeon has already proven its ability to maintain hospital operations thanks to its HDP® (Hacker Defense Protection® system). In case of a local security system intrusion, the software switches to SAFE MODE. However, caregivers can still save lives and do their job. Patients do not have to be moved from a hospital to another. Galeon has also been rewarded at 2024 CES with 3 Innovations Awards, including the Innovation Award for Cybersecurity and Privacy. 

So, Galeon has always been committed to ensuring the protection and confidentiality of healthcare data in an uncompromising way. It is considered as a trusted partner for healthcare professionals and for that reason, it has received HDS and ISO 27001 certifications in last December by the Afnor Group (the French Association in charge of Normalisation).

At the heart of this initiative lies the use of artificial intelligence on structured and large-scale health data, combined with a decentralized collaborative network called Blockchain Swarm Learning® on which IAs are trained. This innovative approach guarantees data security and integrity while preventing any unauthorized copying attempts.

Let’s recall that Galeon was already following a very strict confidentiality and security process, helped by HDS partners that were audited by Orange Security. Afnor have audited the tech company, covering a large amount of aspects (technical, regulatory and practical ones). This certification shows Galeon has a legitimate partner, able to maintain the highest standards in terms of security and privacy for healthcare information.

Why being HDS & ISO 27001 certified is so important?

Both certifications have important meanings.

  • The HDS certification (Hébergeur de Données de Santé) is provided by the Afnor Group (Association Française de Normalisation). It plays a crucial role for healthcare data in France. It is designed for entities that monitor sensitive data, such as hospitals (of course), healthcare or software providers.
    Basically, its core objective is to verify that all those entities comply with strict security and privacy standards established by French regulations (spécificaly those outlined in the French Public Health Code (Code de la Santé Publique). These standards are aimed at protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of health data throughout its lifecycle, from collection to storage and transmission.The audit all entities have to go through evaluates various aspects, including access controls, data encryption, backup procedures, staff training, and incident management processes.
  • Regarding the ISO 27001 norm, it is an internationally recognized framework for information security management systems (ISMS). It provides a systematic approach to managing sensitive company information, ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Some of its key roles are as followed:

    – Establishing an Information Security Management System (ISMS)
    – Risk Management approach
    – Legal and Regulatory Compliance
    – Enhanced Customer Confidence…
    – And more.

With those 2 certifications, Galeon ‘officially’ answers ethical imperatives met in medicine, embodying the power of technological innovation in the medical field. By unlocking the potential of AI, the company is paving the way for a safer, more efficient, and collaborative healthcare system.

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