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Medical data: another treatment for a hospital more efficient

caregiver lady talking with colleagues


The hospital is overwhelmed with data. Whether it is information from occasional consultations or prolonged hospitalizations, caregivers often find themselves managing this data rather than actually providing care to their patients. But not all data is the same. There are certain ways to collect, process, and reuse it that are much more effective than others.

A patient generates an average of 5 letters per day per hospital.

Freeze-frame, an impressive number of patients passing through a hospital over the course of a year. Five letters is the figure taken from one of the hospitals that has integrated Galeon as their EHR system. Still for this same hospital group, we have recorded over 57,000 consultations over the past 3.5 years.

When we scale this to 365 days, it amounts to roughly over 80,000 documents sent to patients. That’s 285,000 over more than 3 years. And since a large majority of hospitals still work on paper… The numbers are simply staggering.

These documents take different forms depending on the country. In France, for example, a medical summary is systematically sent for hospital stays longer than 24 hours. Other documents, such as consultation reports, are sent to the patient’s primary care physician and/or other specialists, and then to the DMP (French Ameli’s shared medical record).

There are also prescriptions, standardized by the HAS (High Authority of Health in France), which have high medico-legal value. Their use is external to the hospital. Other documents are very important, such as the birth declaration. This document allows for the declaration of an individual’s citizenship and the request for their identity papers.

The daily routine of caregivers is tedious. Because while they have to generate numerous documents, they also have to use multiple software programs within the same department to work. In some cases, they have to go through up to 7 signatures just to prescribe a single medication for their patient. With around twenty patients per day (or more), the calculation is quickly done. They simply do not have the time and end up not prescribing the treatment if the patient’s case is not critical.

The Storage of Medical Data in Paper Format Poses a Problem

The staggering numbers obviously do not account for the storage and transportation costs of paper patient files when the archive location is a few kilometres away from the hospital (sometimes 20 km!). These paper files can reach up to 50 pages.
And to retrieve a file?
There are two possible scenarios here:

  • Caregivers is lucky and gets the file in 4 or 5 days because it is located within the hospital.
  • Or they receive it after more than a week, as it needs to be retrieved from the archive centre… including high courier costs and an ecological footprint as a bonus…

Managing paper becomes a challenge for hospitals. Its consumption is excessive, of course, but it also poses confidentiality issues for health data. Paper files can be easily stolen, lost, or even accidentally destroyed in some cases (e.g., flooding of the archive centre).

Galeon Revolutionizes Hospital Daily Life thank to Medical Data Hyper-Structuring

Reducing the number of letters per patient (or the number of patients altogether) in the hospital seems difficult, if not impossible. However, considerable time can be saved in a caregiver’s daily schedule. This can be achieved by reducing paper management costs for the hospital and systematically auto-generating all these documents based on the patient data entered in each file. So, how is this done?

First, let’s recall that an EHR (Electronic Health Record) stores data and can do so intelligently by hyper-structuring it through artificial intelligence. And it does this in a simple way. This is what Galeon does. Healthcare professionals enter various patient information into the software by following pre-filled protocols within the software.

A major advantage is that this prevents them from having to re-enter the same information multiple times in multiple places, thus reducing errors or omissions. A definite time-saver!

Galeon Structures Medical Data to Auto-Generate Hospital Letters

Galeon goes beyond just embedding protocols within the software. Thanks to its AI-enhanced configuration module, the patient’s name, surname, and other important information are automatically populated into letters, prescriptions, etc., through a system of tags. This data flow is optimized through the structuring of this data.

The documents are auto-generated by the software. They are also customizable according to the needs of each hospital and are also sent to the DMP (Shared Medical Record). For example, for biological results, caregivers can save an average of 2 minutes per patient. That’s a total of 80 days saved over 3 years (for the hospital mentioned at the beginning of the article). This configuration module does not require extensive or special training, as it is not complex to use.

A real plus for everyone.

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